Hi everyone!
As you will already know from my social networks, I have just officially revealed my latest challenge. EXPEDITION MONGOLIA 2017
It’s always been on my list of places to explore and after crossing the Atacama desert last year, I decided that the time had come to cycle in that inhospitable and lonely place.
It’s a new expedition, I will cycle over 2000 kilometres in about forty days, facing extreme temperatures varying between -20ºC and over 35ºC. There will be ascents to altitudes exceeding 3000 metres with about 16000 metres of accumulated ascents and descents in total.
I’ll set off from Ulaangom, and then after crossing the Altai mountains, the steppe, the great lakes and the amazing Gobi desert, I will arrive, all being well, in Dalanzadgad, the expedition’s finish. I can’t wait to get started, to take on the loneliness, the fear and the adversity and to show myself once again that dreams can come true if you really believe in them. March will be here soon, and I’m still finishing the preparation for the trip. I hope I can count on your support as on previous expeditions and I promise to keep you informed about how this amazing expedition develops.
See you soon my friends.