Hi everyone! That’s it! It’s almost time to fly to Ulaan Baatar and begin expedition Mongolia 2017.
In my last post I told you about how my physical training for my new challenge was going. I’m still training hard. In fact I’m writing this while doing the Saint James’s Way from Alicante. And now, as some of you have requested, I’ll tell you about the logistics prep. A challenge like this involves a lot of work. You have to plan the routes as carefully as possible, study the terrain, find out where to stock up with provisions, find out what kind of wild animals might be found along the way and deal with the paperwork…..Lots of paperwork! Fortunately I have people to help me with it all, Balen Acárregui from the Taller de GPS and Willy Mulonia, founder and manager of Mongolia Bike Challenge, one of the craziest races on the planet. Balen is my right hand when it comes to planning my route. We base our plans on digital models of the terrain and satellite photos, designing an itinerary and observing profiles in order to prepare the most original route possible. With Balen, I know almost exactly how many kilometres I’m going to cover. In this expedition, it will be over 2500 km. When I’m on the go, Balen will monitor my progress, one of the most important aspects of a solo expedition. With him on the case I can say I feel safe! If any of you are interested, check out his web page www.eltallerdegps.com. My other great collaborator on this challenge is Willy Muliona. Apart from creating the Mongolia Bike Challenge, he also has a detailed knowledge of Mongolia. His help with logistics is priceless. There’s nobody better than him to tell me the most important points so as to have all I need when I set off. He took a huge part in the arduous task of getting the visa. Have a look at his website about the race which he organises: www.mongoliabikechallenge.com. And now, back in the saddle and onwards to Santiago. You can follow me on my social networks. Until my next post!