“Achievement is the result of adding preparation to attitude and subtracting fear”
Juan’s great achievements don’t finish when he stops pedalling his bike around the world. On the contrary: another of his achievements is to share his experiences with the people who follow him (more than 14,000 Facebook users) and, especially, with companies and organisations who use Juan Sin Miedo’s experiences in their daily management. Talent becomes enriched when it is shared, and that’s why Juan habitually gives talks about fear management. As he himself says: “You don’t have to be a superhero to do extraordinary things”.
During his solo challenges and often in adverse circumstances, Juan has been hoarding away many lessons which can be incredibly useful in both companies’ and individuals’ day-to-day lives: facing adverse situations, taking on achievable challenges, managing fear, taking decisions at critical moments, combatting uncertainty…
Thanks to his approachability, “Juan Sin Miedo” teaches us essential values for the present day, such as self-improvement, humility, enterprising spirit and self-confidence.